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Industry Insights

Regulatory Insights

Impacts of Money Market Fund Regulations

Money fund regulations that took effect in the U.S. on Oct 14 are causing significant movement in short term assets and rates.  This impacts both investors and short term borrowers / issuers.  This site assists corporate treasurers, CFOs and institutional investors by monitoring those changes and the market impacts.

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Technology Briefing

TMS Optimization: Getting More Value From Your Investment

Is your Treasury Management System (TMS) doing everything you paid for?  Is it correctly configured? Are you using all the functionality?  Are there things you need now, that you didn’t when it was implemented?

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White Paper

Dissecting the Financial Collapse of 2007-2008

Considerable resources are being expended to develop new regulations to prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis. It is vital these new regulations are appropriately focused to encourage liquid money markets during any future period of financial stress. In support of that aim, Treasury Strategies (TSI) has prepared this analysis of the money markets


White Paper

The Financial Meltdown of 2007-2008

Treasury Strategies applauds the legislative and regulatory goals of improving U.S. financial system safety and soundness in the aftermath of the financial crisis. However, as we observe that process unfolding, we are concerned the desired outcome may be getting lost. To support maintaining focus on critical areas, this paper provides context and proportionality to the

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Regulatory Insights

Treasury Strategies update on IRS Rule 385

Treasury Strategies has long been a high profile advocate on behalf of our corporate and banking clients as you deal with the regulatory fallout from the financial crisis. Once again, a proposed regulation threatens to disrupt the routine daily business practices of most medium sized and large corporations and the banks who serve them. In

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The Impact of New Money Market Fund Regulations on Investment Policies

In July 2014, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission issued new regulations for U.S.-domiciled money market funds (MMFs).

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Six Tips for Managing Brexit’s Unknowns

The British vote for “Brexit,” or to leave the European Union (EU), has ended. But it’s only the end of the beginning.

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Managing the Unknowns A U.S. Corporate Treasury View

There can be no doubt that today, corporate treasurers around the globe have major challenges: slow economic growth, fallout from Basel III, foreign exchange volatility and financial crisis regulatory overhang.

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industry insight

Managing the Unknowns A U.S. Corporate Treasury View

There can be no doubt that today, corporate treasurers around the globe have major challenges: slow economic growth, fallout from Basel III, foreign exchange volatility and financial crisis regulatory overhang.

Regulatory Insights

Net Stable Funding Ratio Comment Letter

We applaud the rule’s objective – to ensure that large and globally-active U.S. banks have sufficient liquidity to withstand a one-year period of extended stress.

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