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Industry Insights

White Paper

Regulatory Insights

SEC Money Market Fund Reform Options

Treasury Strategies response to SEC request for comment: Money Market Fund Reform Options Anthony Carfang, Cathy Gregg and Jacob Nygren/Treasury Strategies TSI_SECResponse-MMFReformOptions.pdf

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Regulatory Insights

Comment Letter to Moody’s on MMF Ratings

Moody’s New Money Market Fund Rating Methodology and Symbols, Report Number 126642, sponsor support, investor confusion, moody’s investor services, Working Group on Money Market Funds, Investment Company Institute, Dodd-Frank Act Treasury Strategies TSI_MMF_Ratings_11052010.pdf

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Hidden Provisions of New Finanical Regulation

repeal of regulation q, interest on business checking,daylight overdraft, ACH, MMF, Money Market Fund, deposit insurance, TLGP, OTC Derivative, European Bank, Stress test, liquidity buffer, FSA, Financial Services Authority, International Financial Reporting Standards, Basel II, Basel III, Basel, credit, deposit facilities Mike Gallanis / Financial Executive TSI_RegulatoryProvisionsInFEI.pdf

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Regulatory Insights

Treasury Strategies Takes Firm Stand On New Deposit Insurance Expansion

Treasury Strategies is pleased to present our comments on your proposed implementation of Section 343 of the Dodd-Frank Act. As consultants specializing in treasury, payments and liquidity management for both financial institutions and corporations, we have a unique insight into the likely consequences of Section 343 and the Act itself. Anthony Carfang & David Robertson

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White Paper

High Corporate Cash: Hoarding or Responsible Financial Management?

Corporate cash and short-term investments are at record highs – both in absolute numbers and as a percent of total revenues. At $1.8 trillion  in the U.S. alone, cash is up 25% since the beginning of the recession. Corporate executives are under pressure to put that cash back to work. Indeed, there have been charges

White Paper

Analysing the Dodd-Frank Effect on Corporates

The repeal of Regulation Q as a result of the Dodd-Frank law means banks will be allowed to pay interest on business chequing accounts for the first time since the 1930s. Corporates need to take steps to prepare for the inevitable shifts in the marketplace. Reg Q, interest on business checking, interest on ddas, interest


A Balanced Team: Illustrating the Value of a Fluid Treasury and IT

Treasury has never been more visible within the corporation or more responsible for an organisation’s success. In prior decades, treasury- related tasks involved routine work often viewed as a supplementary function linked to administrative duties; as a department, treasury did not demand significant technology resources. Times have changed. The evolution of treasury management has been


State of the Treasury


Liquidity Management – Plotting Progress in a Turbulent Market

This article examines the implications of Treasury Strategies’ 2008 Global Corporate Treasury & Liquidity research findings.  For providers of treasury services, the implications in brief is, “deliver enhanced banking solutions that optimize liquidity and manage risk.” Chrystal Pozin / TMI Magazine TMI_GlobalLiquidity_0.pdf