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Today, the market opportunity for selling RDC to small businesses has changed dramatically for the better. New solutions, like business mobile RDC is perfect for small business customers and commercial customers that deal with lower volumes of checks. Business mobile RDC not only provides a low-cost point-of-entry to RDC, but is exclusively tailored to the needs of businesses. With close to 90% of the small business market up for grabs as prime candidates for business mobile RDC, banks are preparing to shift their focus to small business to capture their fair share of this tremendous market opportunity.
Join Treasury Strategies, Celent and WAUSAU as they explain the reasons why the tables have turned and small business and commercial customers with lower volumes of checks are now prime candidates for business mobile RDC.
In this session you’ll:
• Explore the opportunity the small business market affords
• Discover why small business RDC matters
• Recognize how small business RDC can migrate branch traffic to self-service channels
• Learn the true differences between a consumer and business mobile RDC solution
• Understand how business mobile RDC can be tailored to meet the specific needs of verticals
like insurance and distribution
Are you ready to capture your fair share of the market?
• Jim Poteet – Principal – Treasury Strategies
• Jason Olson – Solution Manager – WAUSAU
• Bob Meara – Senior Analyst, Banking Group – Celent